Thursday, March 13, 2008


Reflect on the last 2 weeks

1. These past few weeks have been great. This intersession was really hard and fun, at first I thought that it wasn’t going to be that fun but once we really got into it like doing really hard math and cutting and painting all though that the painting took really long and it hurt our backs because we had to bend down to paint the wood and also it was very hot and we were sweating like crazy. I couldn’t believe how the gaga pit came out as the final product it looks great and I was surprised how that the gaga pit is really tall I thought it was going to be shorter so I can actually see over with out being on the ledges on the wood. We worked really hard on the on the gaga pit and it looks great. What we did today was that we finished the corn holes and we learned how to sew and then we filled the corn hole bag with corn and sewed them up. Also what we did was before lunch and between lunch we played gaga in “THE PIT” and during lunch people would jump in on the walls and there would be too much people and it would get dangerous and then at the end we had someone pick out the people and referee the game so people wouldn’t cheat and then the game would be a lot better than people cheating.

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